Small Animal Services
Preventive Medicine and Health Care
- Wellness Exams
- Vaccinations
- Microchipping
- Senior Wellness Care
- Internal Medicine, including but not limited to the following:
- Infections, ie pneumonia, urinary tract, soft tissue, gastrointestinal
- Management of endocrine disorders such as diabetes, adrenal disease, thyroid disease
- Management of pain including osteoarthritis
- Management of Chronic Diseases including liver disease and kidney disease
- Treatment, management, and control of viral infections including Parvovirus, Leukemia, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, Panleukopenia
- House calls can be scheduled upon request
- Digital Radiology
- Cardiac and Abdominal Ultrasounds
- In-House Laboratory Including but not limited to the following:
- Intestinal Parasite Testing
- Heartworm Testing including 4DX
- Feline Viral Testing
- Parvovirus
- Blood Profiles including Complete Blood Cell Counts, Chemistries, Electrolytes, Thyroid Testing, Blood Clotting Profiles, ProBNP
- Urinalysis
- Cytology
- Outside Lab Services Including but not limited to the following:
- Extensive Blood Testing
- Gastrointestinal Laboratory
- Cultures
- Biopsies
- Routine Spays and Neuters of companion animals
- Soft Tissue Surgeries
- Laceration Repairs
- Tumor Removals
- Gastrointestinal Foreign Object Removal
- Urinary Bladder Cystotomies
- Dental Cleaning and Polishing
- Dental Extractions
- Boarding available for cats and dogs
- Runs available for large breed dogs
- Animals walked multiple times daily
- Food provided or bring your own